Experience and expertise

These talks and other activities give a good impression of the experience and competence of our experts:

Our past and present customers and partners include, among other, City of Birmingham and Birmingham Tree People (UK), ERSAF and ETIFOR (Italy, for EU Erasmus+ project UFOREST), the European Forest Institute (Finland), Future Woodlands Scotland (UK), Karachi community urban forest alliance (Pakistan), Stockholm Forest Cemetery administration (Sweden), the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Sweden) – for the Nordic Council of Ministers, Movium – Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden), Norminstituut Bomen (Netherlands), Pius Floris Boomverzorging and Advies (Netherlands), Schipper Bosch (Netherlands), TFI Vitaler Groen (Netherlands), BUUR part of Sweco (Belgium), the Department of Environment of the Flemish government, Department of Architecture, Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), Federal Department for the Environment (Switzerland), School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University (China), the Trella Group (USA), and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (forest program).

We have a partnership with Treeconomics (UK) as well as with SYLVA: Atelier for Urban Forestry and Landscape Architecture (Netherlands). We are a partner in the Horizon Europe research projects eco2adapt and Resonate – and we contribute (on behalf of FAO) to the CONEXUS project. We also participate in the Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance project Uforest.

Our current projects focus, among other, on: development of urban forest strategies; assessing and integrating the health benefits of urban green and blue space; development of guidelines and standards for urban forestry; enhancing entrepreneurship in urban forestry; reviewing the benefits of urban trees; urban forest inventories; building forest resilience; developing and testing nature-based therapies; and conference organisation and facilitation.

NBSI supports the European Forum on Urban Forestry and is represented in its Board of Directors. Together with Trella, we co-hosted the online conference ‘Reimagining Future Cities – The Green Way’ on March 22, 2021. The full recording of this event is available here.

Johan offers an insight into European urban forestry

Talk at University College Dublin, November 2015