Johan Östberg

Johan Östberg

Johan Östberg is Associate Professor with a PhD in Landscape Planning. Over the course of his career to date, he has produced over 200 publications, including reports, book chapters, popular and scientific reports, and peer-reviewed articles. He has been involved in a plethora of national and international networking and project activities. Moreover, he has been vice chairman of the UTGL – The Urban Tree Growth & Longevity Working Group and chairman for AREA – Arboriculture Research and Education Academy.

Apart from his academic career he is also an ISA Certified Arborist Municipal Specialist, ISA Board Certified Master Arborist, TRAQ Qualified, VETCert-certified and active as a consultant and co-owner of The Tree Office, an consultancy firm in Sweden working in the Nordic countries, where he is working to create green and sustainable urban areas.